We went to Folly Beach, South Carolina and stayed at the Holiday Inn that is literally on the beach. We got there and it was freeezing. The first thing we did was walk out to the beach, snapped some pictures, and looked for some seashells. Even though it was cold, it was so beautiful.

They have this really awesome pier that you can walk down, and fish on in the summer. Kyler suggested taking this picture, and I thought it turned out really cool. In spite of him making fun of me, he has an artsy side with pictures :P

After freezing our butts off we checked into our room, to discover that this was our view from the private balcony right outside our room.

Shortly after that we had to leave to make our dinner reservations in time. We ate at an Italian restaurant called Mercato in Charleston. Can I just say, how do people live there? We almost got hit several times, and lost a few times. The person who designed the streets deserves a good slap to the face. Maybe I should just stick to small towns.
Our reservation was at 6:45, we found the place thanks to our trusted GPS, however there was no place to park. We were so confused. We had to find a parking garage that was way too far away for us to find our way back to the restaurant. We walked around freezing and knew we were lost until Kyler finally called and got directions. We got there and there was a live jazz band playing, to which Kyler said, "why wasn't I informed of this?". If it's not rock music and or screaming, he is unamused. I was very amused.
This place was my idea but honestly it was a bit too much for me. I guess I am just not a classy gal. We were wearing jeans and nice shirts while one lady was literally wearing a fur coat, her date wearing a suit the likes of which Kyler wore when we got married, and drinking hundreds of dollars bottles of wine (there was one on the list that was over 500 dollars!!!!). We wanted an appetizer of mozzarella sticks and the only thing that wasn't some sort of fried squid or some other thing we'd never heard of was a cheese platter. We thought it'd come with bread and crackers or something similar. We got it and she had to explain to us what kind of cheese it was. It came with some sort of sweet/spicy sauce that I have no idea what the ingredients in it were, some sort of nut that we thought were beans, and apple slices on top of some stringy substance. Kyler used all the buffalo mozzarella and spread it onto the bread we were given before that. We were the only people in the joint drinking Coke's ;)
Kyler got Veal Parmesan and I got Lasagna. It was good, but honestly Olive Garden is just as good if not better, and I don't feel like I need to drink my Coke "pinkie up" there. We got a molten Chocolate cake that was filled with nutella, with some vanilla frozen yogurt on the side.

I'm glad we tried it because I can honestly say it was the classiest, most upscale restaurant I have ever been to. Now I can also honestly say, that is not for me. I'd prefer Sticky Fingers, where I can get a Coke and not be looked at twice, wear jeans and feel fine, know what I'm ordering off the menu, be told about the specials and it take less than 10 minutes, and drink pinkie down.
Luckily I was with Kyler who feels exactly the same as I do. We had a really nice time regardless, and we had fun joking and pointedly raising our pinkie's high with many sips.
After that we went back to the hotel. We couldn't go on the beach because it was dark and about 30 degrees. But we did have a private balcony to our room, so we took out a chair and some blankets and listened to the ocean. It was a really clear night and you could actually see the stars. I love stars, so this was amazing. I fit in about every cliche possible in this trip, and I am not ashamed! I had never witnessed the sun rise, and I had always wanted to. I decided the beach was the perfect time to see my first one.
I woke up the next morning in time and stood out on the balcony waiting for it. I got so excited when it started to peek through!

It finally rose all the way. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I could hear the ocean, and birds, and I felt so lucky.

After that we ordered room service breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, potatoes, and bacon, plus a raspberry smoothie. What's better than that?
We packed up our stuff and said goodbye to our room, which I was sad to leave. Went back down to the beach, and what couples trip to the ocean would be complete without writing their names in the sand?

We said goodbye to the beach.

And went to eat at a place called Rita's that was just across the street. It was so busy, we knew we made a good choice. I ordered fried shrimp with fries, because it said the shrimp was fresh and local. It was the best shrimp I have ever had in my life. It was so fresh, and came with homemade cocktail sauce. So amazing. If you are ever there and love shrimp, please go to this place and order it. Then send me a thank you card.
Kyler picked that we go to the Charleston Aquarium. I thought he was picking it because he wanted to go, but he picked it because he knew I like Aquariums. Sweetie <3. We got lost some more and after a few turns, being honked at, and probably getting flipped the bird at least once, we made it. We saw Manta Rays, penguins, otters, lots of fish, some sharks, and a bald eagle. Kyler insisted on buying me a little dolphin figurine in the gift shop. I thought this dolphin hat was pretty kick butt.

After we left the Aquarium, there was a little area right outside of the Charleston Harbor that you could watch. We almost didn't walk over to it, but I am so glad Kyler pointed it out. I had never seen a dolphin in person before. The only other time I've been to the beach, my back was turned when I heard "gasp! look!" I whipped around to see nothing and came to find out a dolphin had jumped out of the water. Dolphins are my favorite animals in the entire world.
So we were standing at the Harbor, looking at the water, and I saw a fin. I gasped. I felt like a 5 year old visiting Santa in the mall. I pointed to Kyler and said do you think that's a dolphin?!?! I saw 3 more fins come out of the water and gasped even more. I'm sure people around me thought I was foolish but I don't care. Finally the little guys poked their whole heads and some of their body out of the water. I saw dolphins!!!!!!! I tried so hard to get pictures of them but could only catch their fin.

Kyler took a video and got a great shot of one coming out of the water. I will come back and edit it in later when I upload it. I don't think that day could have gotten any better.
After about 30 minutes of dolphin watching Kyler had to literally drag me away from the pier so we could do the 3 hour drive home. It was such a great trip, big thanks to the hubby for making it so perfect. I am a lucky lady. I would rather have a trip like that than some useless diamonds and flowers any day!
I get so excited every time i go to the beach and see dolphins!